4. Ramps
a. Maximum slope, 1:20. [UFAS & ADA - 1:12]
b. Slope of 1:33 to 1:24: ramp no greater than 40' in length.
[UFAS & ADA - 200' in length ramp]
c. Slope of 1:25 to 1:20: ramp no greater than 35' in length.
[UFAS & ADA - 200' in length ramp]
d. Cross slope no greater than 1:50.
e. Minimum clear width, 4'-0". [UFAS & ADA - 3'-0"]
f. Top and bottom landings are at least 5'0" long.
g. Intermediate landings at least 35' or 40' intervals are at least 5'0" long.
h. Where doors swing onto a ramp landing, the landing is level an at least
6'-0" x 6'-0". [UFAS & ADA - 5'-0" x 5'-0"]
i. Where required, handrails are installed on both sides.
j. Handrails are mounted at a height of 2'-9" and extend 1'-0" beyond
beginning and end of ramp.
k. Firm, slip-resistant surface.
l. Ramp curbs are at least 4" high by 4" wide. [UFAS & ADA - 2" high]
5. Passenger Loading Area
a. In a safe area and clearly designated for passenger arrival and departure.
b. Close as possible to accessible entrance.
c. Zoned to prohibit parking.
d. Ramped to sidewalk level.
e. Access aisles, measuring at least 5'-0" wide by 20'-0" long and parallel
and level with the vehicle pull-up space.
6. Parking
a. 10% of total number of parking spaces accessible.
b. Located conveniently to accessible entrances.
c. Identified by accessibility symbols and routing signage.
d. Spaces are at least 8'-0" wide with access aisles on each side.
[UFAS & ADA - 8'-0" wide with one access aisle per two spaces]
e. Spaces 11'-0" wide with 5'-0" access aisles for specially adapted vans.
[ADA - 8'-0" wide with 8'-0" access aisle]
f. Access aisles are at least 5'-0" wide with surface slope not exceeding
g. Smooth transition from access aisle to adjacent walkway.
h. Minimum clear width of adjacent walkways not reduced by vehicle
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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