Inside Accessibility
1. Entrances
a. All highly used entrances are accessible.
b. They are connected by an accessible walk to accessible parking and
public streets.
c. They are connected to all accessible elements (e.g. elevators and ramps)
and spaces throughout a building by paths of travel at 3'-8".
d. Signage at accessible entrances.
e. Maximum opening force for interior hinged doors is 5lbs.
f. Thresholds are flush with finished floor or beveled with a slope no greater
than 1:2.
g. Operating devices on doors are easy to operate with one hand.
h. Knurled surfaces on operating hardware of doors leading to hazardous
areas. [ADA - No requirement]
i. Bottom rail (kickplate) is at least 1'-0" high. [UFAS & ADA - No
j. Automatic doors are used in high-use areas.
2. Floors
a. Firm and slip-resistant surface.
b. Changes in level between 1/4" and 1/2" are beveled with a slope no
greater than 1/2". (Changes in level up to 1/4" require no edge
c. Changes in level greater than 1/2" comply with "Ramps".
3. Carpet
a. Carpet is securely attached and has a low-cut pile and tight weave.
4. Corridor Handrails
a. 1 1/2" diameter.
b. 1 1/2" space between handrail and mounting surface.
c. Height of handrails, 2'-10".
d. Handrail sections are free of sharp edges.
e. Wall surfaces behind handrails are smooth.
f. Ends of hand rails are rounded.
g. High and low bumperguards in equipment and W/C & Litter storage.
h. Low bumperguards (just above base) at reception, interview counter &
service windows (agent cashier & pharmacy) to protect against W/C
a. Minimum 2'-10" clear opening to all rooms.(excluding bathrooms. See 7c.)
[UFAS & ADA - 2'-8"]
b. Level approach to doors.
c. 1'-6" clearance at latch side of all doors.
d. Minimum clearance between manual doors in series, 4'-0" plus width of
the door.
6. Water Fountains
a. Spout height no higher than 3'-0".
b. Water fountains usable by the physically handicapped.
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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