The following checklist was provided by Real Property staff for the purpose of helping the
contracting officer and those assisting in the Community Based Outpatient Clinic planning
process meet their desired leasing goals.
a. Is the extent of the geographical area within which the space is being
sought (delineated area) large enough to obtain reasonable competition?
b. If rural nature of location precludes obtaining such competition, has that
fact been set forth fully in a Justification for Other Than Full and Open
c. Have you advertised for parties interested in providing the space or
alternatively, for space less than 10,000 net usable square feet, have you
contacted at least three brokers familiar with commercial property in the
delineated area?
d. Have a parent facility contracting official, engineer and using facility
representative undertaken a market survey of each site to determine
whether each can or cannot be made to meet VA's requirements within a
reasonable time frame?
e. Does the market survey form for each site which has been determined to
be non-solicitable include a very specific reason for this determination,
one which cannot be corrected by the offeror?
f. Has the floorplan for the proposed space been compared to the Basic
Module to determine that in order to determine whether the Expedited
Leasing Procedure (ELP) is usable? (Extreme caution should be taken
in attempting to obtain prompt quotes, the basic element of the ELP
for any medical buildout beyond that set forth in the Basic Module.)
g. Is sufficient narrative and graphic representation of the exact
specifications and layout VA requires within the space attached to the
form requesting bids to avoid confusion and to assure a contract in which
VA obtains fully occupiable space?
h. Does any confusion arise which seems to require formal negotiations?
If so, a cancellation of the Expedited Leasing Procedure should be
considered in favor of issuance of a Solicitation for Offers, with
negotiations following receipt of the initial offers in order to facilitate the
request for best and final offers.
i. Has the completed space been inspected by a VA contracting official,
using official and engineer to assure that all requirements of the
contract have been met, to include those of the local building code
and VA fire and safety and handicapped accessibility codes?
j. Is it understood that any changes to the contract once it is executed by
both parties, must be set forth and similarly executed on a Supplemental
Lease Agreement (GSA Form 276)?
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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