Interior design includes the concept for
Color, texture and pattern needs to be
the interior space, space planning,
thought of as a psychological and
lighting, noise control, privacy issues,
physical tool. It can outline, emphasize,
safety, wayfinding systems includes
alert, neutralize or camouflage. Bright
signage, furnishings, and finish selections
values like stark white are not a good
including attributes of color and texture
among others.
In formulating the
telescope dirt and scuff marks. Avoid
concept, consider users, their age, who, if
dark saturated colors that create holes
any one, accompanies the veterans, staff,
and voids for the elderly, visually
geographical location, weather, and the
compress the space and absorb lumens.
building, if applicable. In waiting areas,
Accent colors, textures and patterns need
find out if T.V. is to be used. If so, when
to be provided to offer relief, interest and
considering conversational groups for
help with the users orientation of building.
seating, have some orientated to the T.V.
set. Add music to mask sounds, and
A "wayfinding" or cueing system in
green plants for life. Consider using
coordination with signage, that begins
carpet for noise reduction. The color
with the parking or drop-off area and
scheme should be appropriate to the
takes the person through the building, is
times, place, and possibly, the building. It
essential for orientation. It needs to
should be an integral part of a consistent
incorporate the building's elements such
and coordinated wayfinding scheme
as color, texture, pattern, artwork, and
which is applied to the entire CBOC.
lighting into the system. The signage
Remember, with time, room and
must coincide with what the staff calls
department designations might change.
each space and move people in the traffic
patterns that the facility desires.
commercial, safety and health care codes
as well as health concerns, (e.g. No slick,
high gloss flooring materials).
Patient parking should be located as
close as possible to the clinic entrance. If
The environment needs to be one that
the clinic is located in a shopping mall,
appropriately supports
the patient,
then there should be clear signage from
physicians, staff and the community. The
the parking area to the clinic.
design must relate and help define the
term "high-quality care". The design,
therefore, must balance technological
needs and human needs.
Expressing the local regional elements in
the design, materials, colors, textures and
patterns is a good start towards patient
and staff comfort and satisfaction with the
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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