Technical Considerations:
In compliance with Executive Order (EO)
Not available at this time.
12699, and EO 12941, all new and
existing buildings constructed or leased
by the Federal Government must be
seismically safe. The EO's require that
Provide air conditioning system to heat,
nationally recognized model building
cool, and ventilate the individual spaces,
codes, listed below, be used for the
and comply with the VA HVAC Design
seismic design and construction of new
Manual For Hospital Projects. The facility
buildings, and for the seismic safety
is not intended to operate 24 hours a day,
assessment of existing buildings.
therefore, the HVAC system must have
flexibility to operate at reduced capacity
1991 Uniform Building Code of the
during the unoccupied hours.
International Congress of Building
Officials (ICBO).
Provide air economizer cycle with return
air fans for air handling units except in
1992 Supplement to the Building
high humidity areas where use of
Officials and Code Administrators
economizer cycle may increase overall
building energy use.
The number of people and the air
1992 Amendments to the Southern
conditioning loads noted on the room
Building Code Congress (SBCC)
design standard sheets must be verified
Standard Building Code.
for a special project. The data shown is
for purpose of establishing the basis of
design guide and its use in planning.
Domestic hot, cold water and sanitary
sewer shall be provided to adequately
serve the plumbing fixtures required.
It is recommended that hands free type
fixtures (electronic sensor control), be
used in patient care areas.
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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