Site Characteristics
The site should offer prominent visibility
and have dominant ingress/egress
Location of clinics in areas of greatest
accessibility to major highways and public
need is a leading concern. Clinics should
transportation for ease of commuting for
be located in areas where access
staff and patients. A circuitous route
problems prevent veterans from obtaining
through an unsightly neighborhood is
needed care at a VAMC.
undesirable. The site should provide
flexibility to accommodate the proposed
Hospitals are generally not the best place
building, ample parking for its intended
to locate primary care facilities. Most
use, and well defined traffic patterns. The
hospitals are in or near city centers, while
site should present an attractively
the population continues to move to the
landscaped, well-maintained environment
outskirts. Many private sector primary
that screens noise and unsightly views.
care facilities are being located near
The topography should reflect a generally
existing ambulatory care centers for easy
flat nature with no steep grades so people
access for both patients and physicians.
with disabilities can easily traverse the
site or access the building. Verify that the
The clinic's various departments can be
tailored to meet the needs of the
impacted by the 100 year flood plain.
In order to support the
facility, there should be sufficient veteran
Building Orientation
population within 35 miles (or 50 miles in
Orient the clinic so the main entrance
more rural areas) of the clinic. Facility
faces and is visible from a major highway
staff also need sufficient access to the
or access road and be clearly identified.
clinic and the Medical Center, as the
Locate any of the maintenance-type
workload may be shared among the clinic
areas (trash, delivery, or service) in the
and medical center staff.
In urban
rear of the building away from the main
settings, CBOC's reduce the outpatient
load that the medical center experiences.
Veterans receive direct care at the
CBOC, and need only go to the medical
Locate patient parking spaces as close
center in emergency situations.
as possible to the accessible clinic
entrance and to an accessible walk
Except in large cities, where the only way
serving this entrance. Avoid using ramps
to build is up, new primary care facilities
if possible. If the clinic is located in a
usually are being spread out horizontally.
shopping mall, provide clear signage from
the parking area to the clinic.
way for delivering services in a cost-
effective way or for the patient and
families to access services.
VA Design Guide
Community Based Outpatient Clinic
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