The VA currently employs five types of
clinics, excluding CBOC's, these are:
The VA has been leasing space for
clinics since it received delegation from
1. Outpatient Clinic - The most traditional
GSA in 1984 to do so. Some of these
of the VA clinics that is associated with
leases may take up more than a year to
and located within a medical center.
complete. In order to provide medical
centers and other independent facilities
2. Satellite Outpatient Clinics - These
an opportunity to obtain leased space for
clinics are associated with a medical
the Basic Module CBOC's in a timely
center administratively but are at some
manner, the VA has instituted an
distance from the medical center. There
expedited leasing procedure. To qualify
are distance guidelines used in
for this procedure, a clinic must require
determining the location of such clinics.
no more space or medical buildout than is
set forth within the Basic Module.
3. Community Based Clinics
- These
Otherwise, the standard procedure
are smaller clinics with set criteria
requiring the issuance of a Solicitation for
for their establishment. Community
Offers must be used. In either process,
care should be taken to avoid listing of
administratively with a
medical center.
VA-provided, VA-installed items which do
not require any action on the part of the
4. Outreach Clinics - These clinics have
lessor and are likely to confuse him/her
a definite function and plan to reach
with their presence.
out to a specific group of patients.
Outreach Clinics are associated with a
medical center administratively.
Functional Considerations:
Vicinity Relationships
5. Independent Clinics - These are
In the development of a Community
large clinics located in the metropolitan
Based Outpatient Clinic, it is extremely
area that do not have a medical center.
important the clinic can compete with
function administratively as
other medical facilities in the area. The
separate entities from any medical
location and the surrounding area
become very important aspects in the
overall success of the clinical program.
It is planned the new CBOC's will be set
Locate the clinic in a neighborhood with
up on the basis of a planned number of
prime commercial office building space or
visits per year. At this time 3,000, 7,000
in a research, clinical or technology
or 15,000 outpatient visits per year have
space that is suitable for the specific
been suggested. There is NO distance
medical purpose.
The neighborhood
requirement between the Community
should present a professional image and
Based Outpatient Clinic and the medical
offer a feeling of secur ity for patients and
VA Design Guide
PAGE 2-2
Community Based Outpatient Clinic