e. For new construction, submit a clear, concise elementary one-line diagram of the
proposed electrical system. Include high voltage and low voltage switchgear, transformers
and low voltage main and/or distribution panels, branch panels and representative methods
of feeding 277/480 volt and 120/208 volt normal and emergency panels. Indicate ratings
and locations of existing electrical devices to be reused.
f. For any new major equipment, describe the proposed method of short-circuit
calculations. Describe the method by which voltage drop and demand will be calculated.
g. Provide narrative report on the various designs with priority on recommended designs.
Weigh alternatives and convey convincingly the recommended alternative.
h. Provide copies of all correspondence and minutes of meetings with the utility company's
representatives if these occur.
i. For new construction, submit preliminary square foot load calculations for both normal
and emergency use. Separate calculations into lighting, receptacles, and power (kitchen,
x-ray, elevator, and mechanical).
Submit a construction cost estimate in compliance with the Manual for Preparation of
Estimates. Incorporate review comments from the previous review into the estimate. Include at
least the following:
a. All costs associate with phasing, functional changes, programmatic changes and
building infrastructure;
b. Level "B" Summary Sheets: For each building and site work in detain. Separate
estimates for new construction and alteration work;
c. Building gross area computations for new construction and alteration work;
d. Project Data Sheet 1; and
e. Local Market Survey
No submission is required.
a. Analyze impact of seismic correction plan on all fire protection systems. Determine
minimal acceptable changes necessary to implement seismic corrections.
b. Use VA standard symbols. Identify all changes to sprinkler, fire alarm, and smoke
zones at a legible scale that will show an entire floor per drawing, if possible. Also indicate
existing areas that are completely sprinklered, location of building water supply, interior
sprinkler supply lines, standpipes, fire extinguisher cabinets, exit paths from each zone,
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume F
Page 15
June 2006