and condensate systems. Recommend tests, as appropriate, to assess remaining
service life;
Rationale for proposed changes required in steam distribution systems; and
Provide information on steam pressures, types of condensate return systems
(pumped, gravity, vacuum, etc.), and line sizes.
b. On drawings, show locations of existing steam distribution systems, which may be
affected by the project, alternate new locations, and recommended new location.
a. Analyze impact of seismic correction plan on all steam generation systems. Determine
minimal acceptable changes necessary to implement seismic corrections.
b. Provide a report with the following information as a minimum:
1) Estimation of peak steam demands for the new facilities and any change in
existing steam demands;
2) Evaluation of the capability of existing steam generating facilities to accept any
changes in steam demand. If a significant load increase is expected, provide a
complete description of the existing steam generating facilities. Include makes, models,
sizes, ages, performance capabilities, and remaining service life of all equipment and
systems. Recommend tests, as appropriate, to determine remaining service life and
capacity of major equipment and piping;
Provide a comprehensive report, which includes the following information:
Review of earlier seismic study completed in (-------------), and comments on the
proposed retrofit scheme.
Review of the building for architectural mechanical, and electrical needs, address
significant changes required in the support system due to structural and non-
structural modifications.
Conceptual scheme for phasing and disruption during construction.
Address impact issues, e.g. need for swing space etc. during construction
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume F
Page 12
June 2006