1. The final approved Schematic Plans shall be the basis for the development of
the Design Development phase. Any changes from these plans must be approved
by VA Project Manager prior to proceeding with the Design Development Drawings
2. All plans will be reviewed for functional and aesthetic relationships. The result of
this phase will be a set of design documents defined to the point that no further
functional decisions are required.
a. Submit minimum 1:100 (1/8 inch) scale floor plans for each floor, new as
well as renovated, incorporating all of the revisions required from S2, showing all
plumbing fixtures, room names, room numbers, door locations and swings, smoke
and fire rated partitions, fire extinguisher cabinets, and the net program area over
the designed net area. Show wall thickness and chase walls. Indicate handrails,
where required. Show column grid with columns indicated, and expansion and
seismic joints. Label departments or services as required for schematic drawings.
b. Submit roof plan, penthouse, interstitial, pipe basement, and pipe tunnel
c. Submit elevations showing all significant materials, including their colors,
roof top mechanical equipment, and any architectural screens. Show massing,
proposed fenestration, and the building's relationship to adjacent structures and the
finish grade. If building is designed for future expansion, delineate elevations with
and without the future expansion. If project is an addition, show elevations of the
existing building in sufficient detail to illustrate the relationship between the new and
existing in terms of scale, material, and detail.
d. Show building sections, as needed, to define building configuration. Indicate
all finish floor elevations. Draw sections at the same scale as floor plans, normally
1:100 (1/8 inch). Define the relationship of the finish ground floor to the finish grade
at major entrances. If the building abuts an existing structure, indicate in the section
how the new floor elevations align with existing. Show the relationship of the floor
elevations to the parking garage, if applicable.
e. Submit typical wall sections showing construction, building materials and
systems, and proposed sill and head heights of openings.
f. Submit 1:50 (1/4 inch) scale equipment floor plans showing and identifying
all equipment for each room in the areas listed below. Use the Equipment Guide
Program Guide, PG-18-15, Volume B
Design Development 1
May 2006
Page 23