Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (246)
Washington, DC 20420
March 2007
16. Storage, Supplemental Equipment (XXXXX) .................... 180 NSF (16.80 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 30 NSF for each Centralized Registration
Medical Support Assistant FTE position authorized greater than six.
Space provided accommodates office equipment, file cabinets, supplies and work
tables for Centralized Registration staff.
C. Health Benefits Section: Outpatient Registration
1. Office, Supervisor (XXXXX) .................................................. 100 NSF (9.30 NSM)
2. Refer to Chapter 262, AMBULATORY CARE (HOSPITAL BASED) for Waiting
and Reception spaces under the control of MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION
SERVICE. MAS Medical Support Assistant(s) will be physically located in
Reception areas of Ambulatory Care.
D. Emergency Care Area (ER)
1. Refer to Chapter 262, AMBUALTORY CARE (HOSPITAL BASED) for Waiting
and Reception spaces under the control of MEDICAL ADMINISTRATION
SERVICE. MAS Patient Services Assistant(s) will be physically located in
Reception areas of Ambulatory Care.
E. Health Information Management Section
1. Cubicle, Supervisor (XXXXX) ................................................. 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
2. Cubicle, Billing Clerk (XXXXX) ............................................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
3. Cubicle, Coding Unit (XXXXX)................................................ 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
4. Cubicle, Tumor Registry (XXXXX) ......................................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
5. Cubicle, QA Technician (XXXXX) ........................................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
6. Cubicle, Release of Information Clerk (XXXXX) ................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
7. Cubicle, Transcription Coordinator (XXXXX) ....................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
8. Cubicle, Transcriptionist (XXXXX)..................................64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Transcriptionist FTE position authorized.
9. Storage, Transcription Equipment (XXXXX).....................80 NSF (7.50 NSM)
Provide one per Transcription Unit.
10. Cubicle, EPRP Technician (XXXXX) ...................................... 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Medical Administration Service / Health Administration Services (Chapter 246): Page 8 of 15