Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (246)
Washington, DC 20420
March 2007
Total Number of Lineal Inches of Filing
= Total Number of Lineal
Number of Shelves in Typical Shelving Unit
Inches of Filing
Shelving Units are typically six shelves high. Provide 36 inch wide aisles that
access back to back shelving layout arrangement. If a high-density file storage
system (space saver) is planned, the net square footage may be reduced by
F. Ward Administration Section
1. Office, Supervisor (XXXXX) ................................................ 120 NSF (11.20 NSM)
Provide one per Ward Administration Section.
This office to be located within the Office of the Chief.
2. Office, Lead Clerk (XXXXX) ................................................ 120 NSF (11.20 NSM)
Provide one per Ward Administration Section.
This office to be shared by two clerks and shall be located only in one of the
Wards in any given facility.
3. Office, Ward Clerk (XXXXX) ...................................................... 80 NSF (7.5 NSM)
Provide one per Ward Clerk FTE position authorized.
Space to include desk area and one two drawer file cabinet dedicated to the Ward
4. Storage, Ward Clerk (XXXXX)................................................. 20 NSF (1.90 NSM)
Provide one per Ward Administration Section.
This storage room to be located within the Office of the Chief.
Net-to-department gross factor (NTDG) for Medical Administration Service /
Health Administration Services is 1.30. This number when multiplied by the
programmed net square foot (NSF) area, determines the departmental gross square
Coordinate structural floor load design implication with room(s) location(s) intended
to house medical record storage and the authorized file system density to be
Patient accessible (Hospital Based) corridors should be a minimum of 8'-0" wide
and staff accessible only (Hospital Based) corridors should be a minimum of 6'-0".
Internal suite passages and main aisles should be a minimum of 5'-0" wide to
accommodate handicap accessibility standards.
At Health Information Management Section, provide all office and cubicle spaces
equipped with systems furniture.
Medical Administration Service / Health Administration Services (Chapter 246): Page 10 of 15