Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (246)
Washington, DC 20420
March 2007
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
11. Cubicle, Record Review Clerk (XXXXX)................................ 64 NSF (5.90 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
12. Supply Workroom (XXXXX) ............................................... 120 NSF (11.20 NSM)
Provide one per Health Information Management Section.
13. Mailroom (XXXXX).....................................................200 NSF (18.70 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 150 NSF for each Mail Clerk FTE position
greater than one.
14. Telephone Swithcboard Room (XXXXX).......................120 NSF (11.20 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide an additional 64 NSF for each Telephone Operator FTE
position greater than one.
The main telephone PBX equipment is located in this Room.
15. File Unit ........................................................(Calculate per the following formulas)
Provide one if in Concept of Operations..
Patient record file storage capacity should be based on the following calculations:
Calculation 1: (Add the sum of the following)
Medical Facility :
Total Operating Days per Year x Number of
Operating Hours per Day x Number of Daily Patient
Registrations per Day = Number of Medical Facility
Registrations per Year
ER of Medical Facility: Total Operating Days per Year x Number of Operating
Hours per Day x Number of Daily Patient
Registrations per Day = Number of ESA of Medical
Facility Registrations per Year
Each Outpatient Clinic:
Total Operating Days per Year x Number of
Operating Hours per Day x Number of Daily Patient
Registrations per Day = Number of Outpatient Clinic
Registrations per Year
Each Specialty Clinic:
Total Operating Days per Year x Number of
Operating Hours per Day x Number of Daily Patient
Registrations per Day = Number of Specialty Clinic
Registrations per Year
Calculation 2: (total lineal inches of record storage shelving required)
Multiply the sum total of Calculation 1 (total number of registrations per year
from above) x Thickness of Average Patient Record File x Number of Years
Records will be Stored = Total Number of Lineal Inches of Filing
Calculation 3:
Medical Administration Service / Health Administration Services (Chapter 246): Page 9 of 15