Exterior Signs
Arrows Arrows should be placed in such a
Arrows should always be larger in size
cont. manner that they precede the message.
than the text they are affiliated with. For
This allows the reader to understand
example, a 4-1/2" arrow is what would
be used with a 3" capital letter size text.
direction first and information second.
It also allows the arrows to be visually
separated from text.
Sign Placement Exterior signs function to communicate
A sign that is directing pedestrians can
to both drivers and pedestrians and
be placed close to a walkway. Major
their placements need to be planned
pathway intersections are important
relative to the intended viewer. Sign
locations to assist people who are new
visibility to the user is a principal
to a site and are trying to find their way
objective and that is the basis of correct
sign placement.
Correct placement of signs will usually
Signs that are to be read from a car
mean that fewer signs are required.
moving down a road need to be large
Too many signs can create a cluttered
and clearly visible. Poorly placed signs,
appearance and increase the difficulty
that are intended to communicate
for a viewer to find the particular
to drivers, can actually create traffic
information they are seeking. Colors
hazards. Also, remember that if a
and material finish of buildings need
sign has too much information, the
to be taken into consideration as this
placement will have to allow for a driver
impacts the visibility of signs.
to stop or slow to a very low speed.
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