Exterior Signs
Placement Guidelines
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Existing Sign Program Before implementing a new sign
Make sure the sign demolition scope of
program, perform a through evaluation
work requires the contractor to close off
of the demolition requirements of the
any live electrical connections. Remove
current sign program and the effects
existing conductors and conduit to the
and impact on the facilities landscaping
nearest junction box and make it safe.
and irrigation system.
Be sure to clearly identify signs that
Old sign footings do not typically have
are supposed to remain. It is especially
to be totally removed. They should
important to identify markers and signs
however be demolished to at least 1
that relate to special objects or displays
foot below grade.
that maybe on the medical center
campus or on a building.
Check to see what is required to patch,
seal and repair building penetrations
DO NOT remove any traffic signs
and surfaces exposed as a result of
without having the replacement signs
removal of signs or letters. Repairs
available and installed at the same time
should be planned to match adjoining
the old signs are removed.
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