Exterior Signs
Wayfinding decision points are located. At these
People that are walking have the
opportunity to read more messages
cont. decision points information must be
than a driver so pedestrian directional
communicated to the driver in a priority
signs can contain up to 8 listings of
of need.
information. More then 10 listings on
a sign results in a sign so large that it
The priority of need is defined as those
is no longer readable and the viewer
departments or services that have the
simply cannot sort through all the
highest percentage of people seeking
information presented.
them. This high demand information
"You Are Here" maps can sometimes
then needs to be communicated
aide in the way finding process but care
with the highest priority on exterior
must be taken to make sure the map is
directional signs.
simple and configured in a manner in
which it makes very easy to understand.
Secondary information or information
The orientation of these maps, and the
that applies to a small percentage of
amount of information on them, play a
individuals that visit a campus also
critical role on the understanding of the
needs to be evaluated in regard to its
viewer of what they are looking at.
importance. Typically a driver can only
read 2 to 4 messages on a directional
"You Are Here" maps need to be placed
sign. Any information that is beyond
in a strategic location where the viewer
or greater than this is simply not
has a clear orientation to the site or
read. Prioritization of communication
campus based upon the view of the
of information would then in most
map that they are seeing. Remember,
cases cause the secondary or minor
once the viewer leaves the map, the
information to be left off the sign
visual image in their memory will quite
because it is not useful.
quickly erode. And, once they make
the first turn all their orientation will be
In planning a directional sign program
for pedestrians one needs to take into
account similar objectives that are done
Placement of a "You Are Here" map
for a roadway directional sign program.
needs to be at a location on the campus
Major walkways need to be identified
where the viewer can make connection
in their respective intersections where
with a major visual object. This can
the paths of travel split to reach various
be a very prominent building or large
services and entrances.
architectural or environmental objects
such as a water tower or monuments.
Arrows The proper use of arrows on directional
Grouping all the information together
signs is important to insure that the
that is in one direction and using one
reader quickly understands the correct
arrow is preferred. Using an arrow for
directional information.
each message makes the sign difficult
to read.
Ambulance Entrance
Ambulance Entrance
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Buildings 137, 332, 323, 325, 303, 305
Buildings 137, 332, 323, 325, 303, 305
Freight Entrance
Freight Entrance
Buildings 314, 317 & 319
Buildings 314, 317 & 319
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