Exterior Signs
the main entrance. Use of post
Types of Signs Monument signs should be typically
and panel signs through out the
cont. reserved for use at the main entrance
remaining campus for directional
and along the principal drive to the
signs and building identification
main entrance at the medical center.
is the most practical approach to
Monument signs are more expensive
than post and panel signs, but provide
a more professional appearance at
Sizes of Signs Signs that are to be read from a moving
will never be an annoyance because
car need to be larger than signs that
everyone can read it.
are read by a driver that is stopped or
parked. As the speed of a car increases,
Signs directed to pedestrians can be
the size of a sign needs to increase.
smaller. But, they still have to be large
Signs with important messages also
enough to be read. Signs placed close
need to be larger. Additionally, the
to a walkway can be smaller in scale,
further the distance the sign needs to
but care must be taken to not make
be read, the larger it needs to be.
them so small that people don't notice
A simple explanation on the importance
of size ... A sign that is too small is an
If in doubt regarding a size decision,
annoyance to everyone, because they
choose the next larger size.
can't read it. A sign that is too large
Size of Lettering Signs that are to be
read from a
lettering on a sign that is too small is an
car need to have larger lettering than
annoyance, because it can't be read it.
signs that are read by a driver that is
stopped or parked. As the speed of a
Signs directed to pedestrians can have
car increases, the size of the lettering
smaller test. But, the lettering still has to
on a sign also needs to increase. Signs
be large enough to be read.
with important messages need to also
have larger lettering.
If in doubt regarding the size of lettering
to use, choose the next larger size.
Additionally, the further the distance
the sign needs to be read, the larger
the lettering needs to be. Remember,
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