Nursing Home Design Guide
Fold up grab bars can now be adapted
Toilet paper can be located either on
after installation to suit users'
the grab bar or on accessible
preferences. Some require space for
hardware that is suspended under
mountings along the back-wall to
the sink.
Powder coated bars may be easier
provide necessary channels and
to grip than those of knurled steel.
5. Sinks, Faucets, and Water Control
When a toilet room is being designed to
accommodate self- and staff-assisted
A sink should be provided in each
transfers, the critical dimensions can be
resident toilet facility. The sink
met with fold-up bars as follows:
should be easily approached with
clear space for knees and feet.
For a resident, grab bars are
Neither knees nor legs, including
mounted on both sides of the toilet at
those supported by wheelchair
16" -18" [457 mm 508 mm] from
footrests, should come in contact
the center line of the toilet to the
with pipes. Sink and plumbing may
center line of the grab bar.
meet these objectives by specifying
The stand-by space for assisted
transfer between wall and grab bar is
back outlet drains or other means of
keeping plumbing from projecting
a minimum of 1'-4" [406 mm] when
the grab rail is down and 2'-8 to 2'-
Hot Water
10" [813 mm 864 mm] when the
grab rail is up.
Hot water drawn from faucets used
Bars should be mounted so that the
by residents should not exceed 110
top is 2'-10" [864 mm] from the
degrees fahrenheit. Central mixing
finished floor; some models are
valves, leading to branch circuits,
adjustable in height.
may be preferable to local mixing
Grab bars should project to the front
valves at each sink. This should
edge of the selected toilet in order to
protect residents from contacting
permit the resident to hold on while
excessively hot water supply lines
leaning forward to maintain a low
and also reduce maintenance and
center of gravity.
insulation problems.
Fold-up bars average 2" [51 mm] in
width and project about 29" - 33.5"
There is some indication that
[750 mm - 850 mm] from the back
individual controls for hot and cold
water are less confusing and usable
The specific length of the bar will
by more people than single handle
depend on such considerations as
controls. Slightly extended blades
the choice of fixture, either tank-top
for water control will satisfy most
or flush-valve, and toilet bowl, either
resident needs. Longer wrist
traditional round front or elongated.
extenders are available for
Projecting mechanical chases and
customizing controls to particular
structural columns should not
hand use requirements. Faucets
compromise the placement of fold-up
should be 16-18" [406 mm 457
grab rails or the space available for
mm] from the person due to typical
staff to stand alongside the toilet.
reaching requirements.
Office of Facilities Management
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