Nursing Home Design Guide
toilet with at least 18"-20" [457 mm
mobility device(s) needed by the
508 mm] clear on the wall side.
residents. Fixtures and equipment
should include the following items:
When the sink and toilet are on the
─ A toilet, a sink suitable for
same wall, there should be a clear
resident and staff hand-washing,
space between the sink or vanity
and facilities for hygienically
edge and the side of the toilet, 18"-
dispensing clean supplies and for
20"w x 18"-20"d [457 mm 508 mm
soiled matter collection
x 457 mm x 508 mm] (extending
─ Hardware, or a system for
from the back of the toilet seat to its
assisting transfer, such as grab
front). Both sides of the toilet need
bars and lift or equivalent
to be available for transfer
assistance and positioning. The
─ A communication system,
zone(s) for staff to stand should be
designed to be accessible to the
indicated on the bathroom plans.
user in a variety of positions,
Alternative fixture placements may
including from the toilet, sink and
be proposed if it can be
demonstrated that the space and
─ A mirror that is usable from a
configuration accommodates one-
wheelchair as well as by staff to
and two-person transfers, as well as
assist in grooming
appropriate lifts, and for staff
─ Accommodations as needed for
assistance on either or both sides of
the toilet.
style bedpans
4. Fixture Heights and Features
─ Operable door, preferably
surface-mounted and not in-
A toilet seat height of 16"-18" [406 mm
457 mm] above the finished floor should
accommodate safe transfers. It may be
3. Clearances and Floor Area for Toilet
necessary to customize toilet seat
heights for certain users to correspond
The basis for estimating space
to wheelchair seats and/or
clearance on either side of the toilet
accommodate different physical needs.
should include the following
Toilets are now available with easily
adjustable seat heights, which benefit
both self- and staff-assisted transfers.
18" [457 mm] should be allotted from
the centerline of the toilet to the grab
While flush-valve toilets are prevalent in
bars for Nursing Home residents
institutional settings, tank-style toilets
capable of self-transfer from
provide quieter operation and a more
wheelchair and toilet, which allows
familiar and residential appearance.
sufficient space for grasping and
Toilets should flush effectively while
leaning on the grab bars provided.
meeting applicable water use standards.
For residents requiring assistance,
incorporate space for one or more
Toilets should be selected to permit
staff assistants to stand safely bend
easy access underneath for floor
and to maneuver a lift next to the
Office of Facilities Management
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