Nursing Home Design Guide
staff footwork and lifts. There is
Sliding or folding doors should be
securely mounted, typically suspended
Home residents requiring supine
from the top with no floor track across
positioning and other residents
the opening, made of durable materials,
whose needs and preferences may
with easy-to-maintain hardware. In its
not be met by the space and
open position, use of electrical outlets or
features of the typical resident
other utilities should not be blocked.
bathroom fixture.
Refer to section 3.4 of this Design Guide
for common ways of arranging pairs of
bedrooms and bathrooms to
accommodate door stacking and
implications for typical resident
bedrooms of varying sizes and
configurations. Sliding and folding
doors should provide privacy with an
appropriate acoustical seal that fully
covers the opening.
Doors, hardware, and hardware
mounting locations should be selected
for convenient resident and staff use.
Figure 3.10
Hand grips should be provided at 29" -
Resident Bedroom Bathroom, Open Plan
34" [737 mm 864 mm] from the
finished floor so that they can be used
Wavery Health Care, New Canaan, CT
by standing or seated residents.
Photo credit: John Leffers, Lancaster, PA
Appropriately located door pulls will
Shower Chairs
reduce maintenance problems
Showers should be designed with
associated with the sliding tracks.
space for resident to be seated in a
repositionable shower chair with
7. Showers in Resident Bathrooms
armrests on either side rather than
Showers should be included in the
on a fixed bench, which limits
resident toilet room design. (See figure
resident stability and staff access for
3.10) If included, the functional program
assistance. If fixed seating is
should relate the assistive
required in a jurisdiction, the space
characteristics of residents to the
should be planned so that a sturdy
shower design features in relation to
rolling shower chair may be used
size, area for assistance, and
when the bench is folded up. If
shower chairs are to be used, they
may be considered "movable health
Floor Area
care equipment" and should appear
The floor area sufficient for a
as such in the project submission
resident seated in a shower chair
and budget.
and a staff assistant is 5' x 4' [1524
Shower Fixture
mm 1219 mm] if the adjacent
The shower fixture itself should
bathroom floor area can be used for
accommodate standing, seated, and
Office of Facilities Management
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