Nursing Home Design Guide
Furniture Worksheet
Table 3.1
1. Identify elements that affect space: HVAC, concentrators, medical technologies,
communications or other features affecting layout or dimensions (Specify for each project)
2. Bed Length includes clearance of 3" from wall for typical head board and bumper to avoid wall
damage. Check foot board controls; some controls add length to the bed (not included)
3. Extended lounge chair
4. Many states do not require; improved bathroom storage has reduced use/need.
5. Wall bracket mounting used to be common; however, higher TV's are reported more difficult to
see and sound control is often a problem. TV's are now often found on a dresser, bedside
stand or hutch.
6. Bathroom layout and door considerations need to be incorporated into bedroom design and
mechanical/electrical plans.
Office of Facilities Management