June 99
"Hunger Factor" among general and sub-
Union Shop versus Open Shop competition -
labor cost differential
Number of prospective bidders - general
contractors and major sub-contractors and their
respective experience on similar projects
Design Development (DD-1 & DD-2)
Re-survey, verify, refine, and report the previously
gathered data and make all necessary changes as
required to reflect the current and anticipated local
market conditions, noting all outside forces, such
as regional building booms, i.e. 1996 Olympics
affecting all southeastern US projects during the
1995 and early 1996 calendar years. The required
estimate submissions shall include the survey
findings as reflected by the cost of materials, labor,
and equipment along with all mark-ups associated
with the general and appropriate sub contractors.
Construction Document (CD-1)
Intensify the survey process and report all data
gathered. The report shall clearly depict the
pending current market conditions noting all outside
influences . The final estimate should incorporate
the survey's conclusions and reflect the current
bidding climate, including information on the
expected number of bidders, both general and sub-
contractors, the grade of competition among
contractors, and other conditions that may have
impact on VA's construction project.
A new gross area take-off is required with each
estimate submission. See Attachment F.
Each estimate must be broken down by building with
new construc tion and alteration separated.
C. Schematics 1 (S1) and Schematics 2 (S2): As a
minimum, the S1 submittal shall include a LEVEL "A"
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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