June 99
5.4 m (18'), face to face of curb;
Entrance Road:
7.2 m (24'), edge to edge, with no curb
15 m (50') minimum radius
7.2 m (24'), face to face of curb;
Primary Road:
7.2 m (24'), edge to edge, with no curb
9 m (30') minimum radius
6 m (20'), face to face of curb;
Secondary Roads:
7.2 m (24'), edge to edge, with no curb
9 m (30') minimum radius
Service Roads:
Service 7.2 m (24'), face to face of curb;
7.2 m (24'), edge to edge, with no curb
15 m (50') minimum radius
Service 3 m (10'), edge to edge, no curbs
9 m (30') minimum radius
8.1 m (27'), face to face of curb;
Committal Service
9 m (30'), edge to edge, with no curb;
Shelter Drives:
Narrow to 3.6 m (12') at throat
9 m (30') minimum radius
Cortege Assembly Area
The Cortege Assembly Area is located adjacent to the Public Information
center, on or near the entrance road. It consists of one or more lanes for
vehicles to line up before proceeding to the Committal Service Shelter.
Access to the Public Information Center with rest rooms from the Cortege
Assembly Area is imperative. Funeral corteges average thirty vehicles
with three (3) persons per vehicle.
Site Furnishings
The components of the site furnishings system should coordinate
with and complement each other, the cemetery architectural design, and
the site as a whole. Site furnishings, including signage, benches, trash
receptacles and flower container/ water receptacles, shall be simple,
standardized, and properly scaled with the function and character of the
site. Design or select all components to be low maintenance and vandal
resistant. Concentrate placement of site furnishings, i.e., benches, trash
receptacles, water hydrants, and signage, in high-use areas.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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