June 99
Accommodation of Cremated Remains
As with full casket gravesites, NCA is committed to achieving the
maximum development of cremain sites within national cemeteries. NCA
will strive to provide cremain sites in all cemeteries including those closed
to the interment of casketed remains. The standard cremain site size will
be the smallest size practical to accommodate the type of marker being
used, to ensure that the cremain site appearance is appropriate and
consistent with any adjacent gravesite section. Each gravesite will be
marked with one marker, consistent with the requirements of applicable
law and NCA policy.
The standard cremain site sizes will be used when conditions warrant:
Designated Cremains Sections -- A burial site for the interment
of cremated remains in a separate cremains section is 900 mm x 900
mm x + 600 mm (3' x 3' x + 2') deep, and is marked with a 300 mm x
450 mm (12" x 18") flat marker of granite or bronze.
Garden Niche or Terrace -- A burial site for the interment of
cremated remains in a distinct space using a system of paths, walls
and/or terraces that creates a tranquil garden setting, is 900 mm x 900
mm x + 600 mm (3' x 3' x + 2') deep, and is marked with a 300 mm x
450 mm (12" x 18") VA standard flat marker of granite or bronze, or a
wall-mounted bronze plaque, 140 mm x 215 mm (5-1/2" x 8-1/2").
Columbarium -- A niche in an above-grade structure designed for
the interment of cremated remains is 265 mm x 375 mm x 500 mm
(10-1/2" x 15" x 20") deep, measured at the face. Each niche is
designed to accept an individual VA standard niche cover. Some
columbaria developed earlier in national cemeteries utilized multiple-
niche covers and various sizes of niches. Expansion of existing
columbaria will follow the original design concept for that cemetery.
The columbarium design must include the capability of expansion in
future phases of cemetery development but must appear complete
with the initial phase of development.
Cremains [Scattering] Garden -- A designated garden-type area
where cremated remains are scattered in the landscape. A site used
for the scattering of cremated remains is not individually marked, but
the deceased is acknowledged on a communal bronze plaque in the
garden area or by an individual bronze plaque mounted on a wall
designated for that purpose. An individual whose ashes are scattered
in the national cemetery may not have a memorial marker placed in
the memorial section of the cemetery.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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