June 99
Secondary Road(s)
Secondary roads may be subordinate loops, or connector roads.
They provide access primarily to burial sections.
Service Road(s)
The following two types make up the network of service only roads
within the cemetery roadway system:
Service entrance -- The road that provides access from the
administration/maintenance complex, if possible. Traffic consists of
maintenance vehicles and delivery trucks.
Service drives to buildings -- The drives which provide
access: (1) to the back of the committal service shelters, for removal of
remains after the interment service, and (2) to wells, pump houses, etc.
These driveways have no curbs and may use alternative paved surfaces
in order to minimize their visual impact on the site. Traffic consists of
cemetery maintenance vehicles.
Committal Service Shelter Drive
Separate drives should be provided for access and parking for each
committal service shelter. A small loop drive, adjacent to the shelter, wide
enough for parking three vehicles abreast, works well. The entire drive
should accommodate an average of thirty vehicles. The layout of roads
and shelters should allow for a cortege to proceed to the designated
shelter without passing another funeral cortege on the road. Whenever
possible, Committal Shelter drives should be accessed without driving by
active burial operations.
VA Design Guide -- National Cemetery Administration
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