contracts and are about to start
Standard regional procedure is as
External Preparation for Product
Manufacturers Contacts with product
Internal Preparation Project managers
manufacturers should now always
starting a metric project receive:
discuss available metric products
and literature, although many have
beenThis odesign rguide projects.
exp sed th ough
Metric scale
3)1 hour metric design orientation
Submissions have unfortunately been
returned for resubmittal based on
4)Metric / english tape measure (if
lack of understanding of the
firmness of this requirement. This
can be avoided by thorough
Most people (except field inspectors)
use tape measures infrequently after a
few months of daily metric usage.
Construction Firms, Construction
Personnel Agencies like New York
Metric training cannot have the same
State Department of Transportation
training effect as immersion into
are working with local AGC chapters
metric design or construction.
to alert contractors of upcoming
metric activities. Our construction
We did not purchase metric conversion
management firms have helped us by
also contacting AGC, unions, other
construction related groups, to
External Preparation For Design Firms,
advise of upcoming metric projects.
Construction Managers, and Real Estate
Design Policy
Provide this design guide to staff
Selection of pilot projects is an
important factor in whether a metric
project will be successful. All
Metric experience can only be a
projects need not be done in metric
plus, as federal, state, and local
government projects increasingly go
metric. To obtain experience,
National policy requires all
consider using metric for other
projects be in metric after January
government or private projects.
1994. Our regional policy, in place
since January 1992, shall remain
The architectural and engineering
prior to that time.
communities have in general
responded favorably to metric
As our major capitol
project designs
conversion. We have not provided
have been metric for
some time, the
wholesale training to all firms that
vast majority of all
major project
commonly do business with us. We
construction dollars
in 1994 will be
provide detailed consultation (~ 2
hours if needed) once firms sign