For CM (Construction Manager) ads,
including term CMs, this remains an
evaluation factor:
To assist manufacturers with metric
conversion, we recommend the
"Familiarity with SI and ability to
following submittal classes be
perform required services in SI
units." A one page summary must also
be submitted. (similar to above)
Classes should be supplemented for
each project.
Each CBD announcement shall state:
Please contact us regarding detail
"The GSA Region 3 Metric Design
of items listed here.
Guide is available free to bidders
upon request.
There is gray area in this
Construction Advertisements
Our guiding principle is that if a
Advertisements for construction
construction firm makes an honest,
projects shall:
good faith effort to comply with
metric guidance, then we should work
State project area in m2 only.
with them and allow minor variations
where needed to promote the greater
State "This project was designed in
goal of smooth, overall transition.
metric. Inspection will take place
in metric. Submittals must be
We would generally encourage project
provided in metric units.
managers to push non-essential
submittals into class 3 wherever
State: "The GSA Region 3 Metric
Design Guide is available free to
bidders upon request.
Class 1. Drawings That Must Be
Metric Only English units are not
Note: The Metric Design Guide can be a
permitted on these submittals.
good orientation document, which can
Drawings must use metric scales. In
contribute to the overall project
general, any drawing that is job
success. Bidders will be able to ask
specific, and is custom generated
better questions at the prebid
for this project, must be in metric
conference if this guide is available
only. These are some samples:
to them in advance."
.All Floorplans
AE / CM Scope Guidance
.Reflected Ceiling Drawings
.Stairwell Erection Drawings
AE scope guidance can be stated as
.Foundation Wall Drawings
.Concrete / Rebar Installation
Design on this project shall take place
.Sitework Drawings
in conformance with M2, The GSA Region
.Sheeting and Shoring Plans
3 Metric Design Guide.
.Steel Erection / Fabrication
Drawings and Details