ASTM B682 gives metric sizes. Common
criteria is SI 4) most codes and
sizes are:
standards have SI 5) sample
drawings exist for most items, we
0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16,
cannot justify uniform premiums for
25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150, 185, 240,
metric design.
300 mm2
Construction Costs Bids to date have
Fiber Optics It was falsely reported in
not shown detectable premiums for
the last edition that fiber optic
metric. No additional funds are
cables would be soft converted. Most
being allocated for metric
cables are made to metric dimensions,
so these will be specified in hard
metric. (ex, 125 um fiber cable)
We would welcome comparing detailed
cost analysis which yields results
contrary to this conclusion.
Specify lux values using the rachet
technique, where feasible and allowed
Estimating Tools are offered by many
by criteria. 1 FC ~ 10 lx; thus
prominent firms.
rounding a few lx may have little
Building System Design GA, offers
metric estimating software.
Larry Hendrix (404) 876-4700
The environmental field has been
Cost Engineering Technologies NJ,
progressive regarding SI. Many
offers a metric database. Kenneth
regulations have been metric for years.
Browne (201) 335-1707
Based on review of commonly used
MCASES Gold, DOD database, operates
environmental data, projects shall now
in metric.
specify metric only.
MC2 (MC Squared) TN, offers a metric
Billy Telford (901) 346-9880
Time We find metric design and
construction take the same number of
R.S. Means MA, (800) 448-8182,
months as english projects. No
offers metric estimating handbooks.
adjustments have been made to time
Database available in late 1993.
Timberline OR, offers a metric
Cost Estimating shall be done in metric
units only.
Ann Kenkel, Curtis Peltz
(503) 626-6775
Design Costs There will be no change
to the standard design fee charts used
US Softcost GA, offers their Success
to calculate design costs.
metric database.
Louis Parkins, John Williams (800)
Now that 1) specs are SI 2) SI
estimating tools are offered 3)