SFO NO. V101-183R-xxx-xxx-xx
For more complete information on items listed in this Schedule "B" document, Offerors shall refer to VA
Master Construction Specifications (MCS). Refer to Part VI of the SFO for instructions on obtaining and
using VA MCS. The Lessor is responsible for reading the Specifications and providing the quality of material
and equipment required.
Brand Names: Certain equipment may be identified by make and model. Identification of these items in
this Solicitation by a "brand name" description is intended to indicate the quality and characteristics of
products that will be satisfactory and is not intended to be restrictive. Unless clearly indicated in the offer
that an "equal" product is offered, the offer shall be considered as offering a referenced brand name product.
Offers of "equal" products or equipment will be considered for this award if such product or equipment is
clearly identified in the offer and is determined by the Government to fully meet the salient characteristics of
the product or equipment named in this Solicitation. The Government's determination as to the acceptability
of the "equal" product shall be based on information furnished or otherwise identified in the offer, as well as
other information reasonably available to the VA. If the equipment cited in the Solicitation is no longer
available, the manufacturer's currently available equipment that replaces the cited model shall be provided.
Caution to Offerors: The VA is not responsible for locating or securing any information not identified in the
offer and not reasonably available to the VA. Accordingly, the Offeror shall furnish with its offer the
manufacturer and model of equipment proposed and sufficient descriptive material such as cuts, illustrations,
drawings, or other information for the VA to determine whether the product offered meets the specified
salient characteristics and establishes exactly what the Offeror proposes to furnish.
Editing Note: Coordinate Section IV with
Schedule C (Part V) and Design Plates (Part
VI) elsewhere in this SFO. Edit quantities
for project requirements.
The Functional Room Listings in Section IV of Schedule B use identifying symbols for typical room layouts
and equipment listings. These symbols identify the Design Guide Plates for the rooms or spaces in the clinic
for which equipment is provided. The information on the Design Guide Plates is in Part VI of the SFO.
Room Listing: This document focuses on special requirements for specifically identified areas. Therefore,
every room of the Outpatient Clinic is listed but does not necessarily show special equipment requirements.
Where (NR) is indicated, there are no "special requirements" in that room.
Part III Special Requirements--Schedule B--Page 4 of 17
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