JULY 2005
personnel that requires the ACO to review the
circumstances, the CO who negotiated and
executed the lease may elect to delegate the
authority to administer that lease. The person to
Capacity. The size of most lease files may
whom lease administration is delegated is
referred to as the ACO. The reasons for
increase significantly over the life of the lease,
which includes the firm term plus all renewal
delegating lease administration authority vary in
terms. The ACO must plan for file expansion by
each circumstance but may include the
choosing a file location which can accommodate
file growth.
For major leasing actions negotiated and
Organization and Order. Create separate file
executed in VACO, administrative con-
tabs for each major category of document that is
tracting authority will be delegated to the
local CO shortly after occupancy.
likely to be received over the life of the lease.
Listed below are some of these categories. This
The CO recognizes that by centralizing
file division will represent those documents
lease administration under one staff
generated during occupancy of the premises:
member, the using service is more
effectively served;
The original lease;
Due to the necessity for the CO to travel
Supplemental Lease Agreements;
frequently, another member of the staff with
Evidence of lease recordation;
fewer travel obligations but appropriate
knowledge, experience, and judgment may
be the better person to administer the lease
on a daily basis and;
Non-disturbance, subordination, and attorn-
ment agreements (See Regional/ General
The CO who negotiated and executed the
Counsel for details);
lease may be located in an office which is a
substantial distance from the leased
Operating expense escalations;
premises and may infrequently visit the
Real property tax bills and correspondence;
detached from the day-to-day issues leases
Notices of Lessor' default or failure to
frequently involve.
perform, cure notices; and
Legal notices from the Lessor, such as sale
The CO should evaluate the need to delegate
of property, change of ownership, address
lease administration on a case-by-case basis. If
changes, bankruptcy filings, assignments of
lease administration is delegated, the CO shall
rent, and condemnations.
provide written notice to the ACO and the
Lessor clearly defining the roles, duties, and
The Closeout and Settlement Documents.
responsibilities of the ACO. [Refer to Appendix
This file section contains those documents that
A for a sample Letter Delegating Authority as
demonstrate that VA' on-going contractual
Administrative Contracting Officer.]
liabilities have ceased and that the terms and
conditions of the lease contract have been fully
Immediately after the lease is executed and a
copy returned to the Lessor, the ACO must
Notice of intent to vacate premises;
create a lease file. Many of the documents in
Preliminary Premises Inspection Report;
the file will come from the CO. The exact
configuration of the lease file is discretionary;
however, the following recommendations should
ments to restore premises;
be followed:
Final inspection report; and
Location. The lease file should be conveniently
Lessor' acceptance of return of premises.
located in a place that provides the ACO with
almost instant access. Frequently, during the
This file
Space Requirements Package.
course of administering a lease, the ACO will
section contains those documents that describe
receive a call from the Lessor or the VAMC
exactly what the Using Service requested. Items