JULY 2005
Pre-SFO Issues--
completed if necessary, before proceeding with
conceptual design.
Programming and Technical
The initial Request for Space by the Requesting
Service included the amount of space required.
This section addresses Programming and
That initial request or the Space Requirement
Technical Activities which can occur prior to or
Package [Refer to Section 4] may have been
concurrent with the Development of the SFO.
based on a completed Space Program or on
When they occur varies from project to project.
preliminary planning from Capital Investment
The purpose of this section is to define the
Process (CIP), CARES or other sources. Before
procedures no matter when they are used. The
proceeding with preparing the SFO document,
Programming Activities described focus on the
the team must review the program information
space and functional requirements, i.e.,
for an understanding of the requirements of the
developing the Space Program and the
Requesting Service. The available program
Conceptual Plans.
The Technical Activities
should provide complete information for each
address equipment needs, materials and
space and the functional relationships required;
if it does not, the missing information must be
other special requirements which might be
The Team should record the
incorporated into the completed OPC.
parameters set by these earlier space
documents. This Parameter Summary should
Programming Activities
include the Planning Horizon Year, Outpatient
Spatial Requirements and
Visits, Clinic Stops, Number of FTEE, Services
to be included, Extent of Services, and Grossing
Factors to be used. This information will be
The Space Program documents the needs and
carried forward into Part V--Schedule C of the
goals for the project. It is comprised of a
SFO and will be used to develop Part III,
complete listing of the spaces to be provided in
Schedule B.
the project, the net area required for each
space, and the functional relationships between
This Design Guide is based on the Primary Care
individual spaces and departments within the
criteria provided in Current Space Planning
clinic. Conversion factors can be applied to the
Criteria for VA Facilities (VA Handbook 7610).
net areas for each department or service, and
http://www.va.gov/facmgt/standard/ In the case
again for the building as a whole, to arrive at an
of a freestanding OPC with specialty clinics and
estimate of the net usable and gross building
other functions, Chapter 265 Satellite Outpatient
area required. The required areas and functional
Clinics, or 262 Ambulatory Care (Hospital
relationships defined in the Space Program are
Based) may be used for general guidance.
used as the basis for designing the Conceptual
Chapters 265 and 262 also refer to other
Plan of the OPC and ultimately for determining
chapters in H-7610 for specialized spaces such
whether the building proposed by the Lessor
as Radiology and Pharmacy covered under the
meets VA's needs. The Conceptual Plan is
individual services.
developed by VA for inclusion with the SFO.
Information on the authorized medical programs,
At this point in the project, the involvement of an
projected workloads, operating hours, and
architect (planning/design consultant) is recom-
staffing is required to use the planning criteria in
mended to assist with finalizing the Space
Examples of "Global Information"
Program and the design of the Conceptual
required can be found in the VA TIL
Plans. VA Central Office has qualified Archi-
tects/Engineers (A/Es) available to provide
upplemental.asp. Based on the global infor-
services under IDIQ contracts. Use of an IDIQ
mation, the criteria in H-7610 are applied to
A/E avoids the project delay that could occur if
establish the net space required for each room
the CO had to advertise and select an A/E. As
and department.
The values from H-7610
noted before, this guide assumes that a specific
criteria are then adjusted to reflect special
site has been selected and the process for
project requirements. Since many sections of H-
obtaining the Assignable Option underway, or
7610 may not be current, use of a planning and
design consultant is recommended to ensure