September 30, 1995
Intale Louvers: Ensure that intake louvers are
load will be available with any one unit out of
located to prevent entry of contaminated air.
See recommendations listed in the HVAC Design
Provide a minimum of 240 kPa (35 psi)
water pressure at the highest fixture. Coordinate
Location of Exhaust Fans: Exhaust fans for
this pressure with other equipment requirements;
some special washers require pressures above
be located at the end of exhaust ducts to
275 kPa (40 psi).
maintain negative pressure in the exhaust
Lab facilities need a recirculating domestic
ductwork inside the building.
hot water system with 50C (120F) water
Emergency Power: Emergency power shall be
available at the tap.
provided to equipment such as exhaust fans
Design a wet pipe fire sprinkler system with
serving fume hoods, Flammable Storage Rooms,
quick response sprinklers throughout the building
and Reagent Grade Water Treatment Rooms,
in accordance with NFPA 13. In multi-storied
and to other equipment listed in the HVAC
buildings, provide fire protection standpipes in
Design Manual.
accordance with NFPA 14.
Note: Refer to the VA HVAC Design Manual for
Note: Refer to the VA Plumbing Design Manual
further design recommendations.
for additional information. All plumbing systems
design information is shown on the Design
shall be designed in accordance with the latest
Standards page accompanying the guide plates.
National Standard Plumbing Code. Plumbing
information is located on the Design Standards
accompanying the guide plates.
Use chemical resistant waste and vent pipe
Energy Conservation:
for all laboratory sinks and equipment intended
to receive acids and chemicals. Route the waste
Energy conservation begins at the macro
through a chemical neutralizing device prior to
level with building siting and envelope, and it
connecting to the drainage system. Extend the
continues to the micro level inside the
acid system vents through the roof separately.
energy-intensive Research Facility.
Provide a reagent grade water piping
example, freezer rooms and cold rooms may be
system, without dead ends exceeding 300 mm
located back-to-back or side-by-side to save
(12"), to all required locations within the building.
energy. Where economically feasible, ultralow
Piping for reagent grade water systems must be
freezers should be grouped together in one
arranged in a loop and/or continuously
location and heat recovery systems for non-fume
recirculating configuration to eliminate stagnant
hood exhaust should be considered, if found cost
water conditions. Size the piping for a minimum
effective through life cycle cost analysis.
velocity of 8 minutes per second. Provide floor
Zoning of spaces, and separate air handling
space, with valved and capped hot and cold
units for the administrative areas do result in
water and a chemical resistant combination
energy conservation. Turning energy systems
floor/funnel drain, for a central reagent treatment
off will save the largest amount of energy. If it is
system. The reagent water treatment equipment
feasible, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
will be selected to produce the degree of
systems should be on only during the hours of
treatment required and furnished by the VA
lab operation. If the ventilation system cannot be
Medical Center.
turned off, the next best approach is to reduce
the airflow to the minimum required at all times.
be multiplexed with single receivers. The units
This practice may be done in each lab
shall be sized so that 100 percent of the design
independently by turning down or off a chemical
fume hood when it is not in use. However,
VA Design Guide -- Research Laboratory
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