September 30, 1995
Casework and laboratory equipment should
must be large enough to accommodate the vast
be addressed early in the facility design phase.
quantities of water disposed by the washers (a
Consideration will be given to functionality
large floor sink with a minimum 100 mm (4")
without sacrificing safety and comfort. As the
outlet); vapors produced by the machines need
design is developed, attention should be directed
to be vented; and, the walls between the
to utility and equipment configurations as well as
glassware area and adjoining rooms should be
to the type and number of fume hoods required
acoustically treated due to the high noise factor.
and their placement in the laboratory. When
There is also an increasing need for high
feasible, modular or adjustable systems should
temperature dryers for glassware used in RNA
be employed in common core areas as an
work. Highly contaminated areas also need their
alternative to fixed casework thus offering
own sterilization and glassware washing
maximum flexibility for future needs.
With the increased use of electronic
The location of washers and dryers needs to
equipment, more work is done by researchers
allow maintenance crews access to the
sitting in a U-shaped array of instruments. The
equipment for repairs. The space behind the
modern researcher less often stands at a bench;
washers should have a floor drain to
he or she sits at equipment. The traditional fixed
accommodate any leakage by the equipment.
work top does not allow for flexibility, so free
An exhaust canopy over the chamber opening to
standing benches are advantageous. To provide
both the washers and dryers vents steam
ultimate flexibility, sinks are built into the
benches where required, but are connected to
Note: Operation and maintenance manuals for
the main drainage system by plastic pipes with
all equipment should be secured in the
screwed connections. The spines behind the
administration area to insure proper equipment
benches are two levels; the low level for gases
and water, and the upper level with nearly
continuous electrical outlets.
Reagent Grade Water Systems:
Self-supporting casework systems allow
great flexibility as they exist independent of a
Reagent grade water systems are important
The piping and electrical systems
for performing contaminant-free experiments in
become an integral part of the casework as in
the lab, and for the final rinse in the glassware
traditional systems.
The components are
and sterilization room. The four basic methods
interchangeable and have flexible features
of producing pure water are:
built-in. The drawback to these systems is that
deionization, reverse osmosis, and filtration.
they require substantial storage space when not
in use.
supply, and the Reagent Grade Type (purity
Placement of dry-erase boards along the
level) of water needed, one or more of these
corridor walls and in gathering areas encourages
methods will be indicated.
investigators to discuss their work with other
A raw water analysis must be done before a
purification method can be selected. Equipment
sizes vary greatly depending on the method
selected, and the flow rate required. Where use
Glassware Washers And Dryers:
is limited, or purity requirements stringent, point-
of-use cartridge-type polishing stations can be
Washers and dryers are used to wash, dry,
provided. Where there is a strong need in all
and sanitize; they do not sterilize.
laboratories, a central system should be
equipment can be heated by steam or electrical
considered from the onset of design.
power with steam heating having a lower
operating cost. In planning glassware rooms, the
following should be kept in mind: floor drains
VA Design Guide -- Research Laboratory
Page 2-9