September 30, 1995
specimens may be transported easily.
Specialized areas (PCR, NMR, electron
dedicated elevator can be used to connect these
microscope, confocal microscope, cell irradiator)
two areas in a vertically planned facility.
have specific requirements because the
equipment housed there is particularly sensitive
When possible, lab facilities should be
to vibration, heat, light, or a combination of
conceived with a central-core approach. The
factors. These requirements involve isolating
central-core contains spaces (cold rooms,
certain specialized areas from mechanical
common instrument rooms, glassware room, and
ultralow freezer rooms) and utilities necessary to
support individual labs.
Laboratory support
Materials handling zones adjacent to
spaces may be located on either side of the
dedicated service elevators allow for ease of
central core, separated by the main corridor.
dispensing and disposing of lab materials and
Investigators' offices should be planned as close
supplies. The administration area should be
as possible to the labs without taking space from
located in an area separate from the traffic
the lab zone. To foster staff interaction, the
generated by the laboratory and close to
offices should be grouped in clusters.
elevators. In a single story facility, locate the
administration area at one end, or in the center
The "laboratory neighborhood" diagrams in
core of a one-floor "cross" design.
Section 3 represent a planning concept that
brings together all of the resources that
researchers use on a daily basis.
neighborhoods include labs, lab support spaces,
offices, and all shared equipment. They are
A considerable number of future VA
Research Laboratory Facilities will be renovation
there is no need to duplicate expensive support
projects as opposed to new construction. This
Due to this sharing effort, lab
includes both complete renovation of an existing
neighborhoods create a sense of community by
facility as well as adaptive re-use of a facility. In
encouraging interaction among the lab workers.
general, the cost for renovation is lower than for
new construction.
Appropriate relationships and adjacencies
are essential to permit a smooth flow of
The existing VA facility must first be
personnel, supplies, and equipment. Traffic flow
evaluated for the building's ability to house a
is predominantly from laboratories to the core
modern research laboratory. There are certain
and administrative areas and then back to the
requirements which must be met to indicate if the
laboratories. It is important that the distance
building would be suitable for renovation: a floor
between laboratories and common instrument
to floor height of 4200 mm (14'-0"); a live load
rooms be as short as possible since samples,
capability of 500 kg/m (100 psf); and a structural
chemicals, and flammable materials are
grid based on a module of 6000 mm (20'-0") to
transported between the two areas. Several
7200 mm (24'-0") that will readily accept the lab
small rooms are preferable to one larger room for
core items such as gamma counters, high-speed
A general assumption must be made that
the existing building's infrastructure will not fulfill
these spaces can be placed in various locations
the demands of a research program.
in the center area and thus shorten the traveling
renovation must address increased needs for air
distance throughout the laboratory area. In a
supply, exhaust, chilled water supply, steam, and
large facility (with multiple floors or wings), it is
electrical power.
important that several flammable, acid, and gas
cylinder storage areas be located along exterior
walls throughout the facility (or floor) for safety
VA Design Guide -- Research Laboratory
Page 2-3