September 30, 1995
⇒ the required length of continuous lab work
options. Modular casework can be arranged in
many ways to suit the needs of the researchers.
surfaces per investigator
For example, fixed casework can be located
⇒ the width of the aisles in between benches
along the perimeter walls, with mobile casework
⇒ the number of fume hoods per laboratory
units or split benches in the center space.
Lab support, offices, and corridors, can be
The VA standard for aisles between
planned to adhere to a basic module so that a
benches or equipment is 1500 mm (5'-0"), to
high degree of flexibility is achieved.
allow space in which two people may work back
to back at apparatus and a third person may
Upon discussing user needs and spatial
pass between them. Aisles should be aligned in
functions with VA investigators, it was decided
the direction of egress.
that 3200 mm (10'-6") on center is a comfortable
laboratory module width.
The depth of the
Main corridors in lab neighborhoods need to
laboratory module is strongly influenced by
be 1800 mm (6'-0") wide to allow enough of a
safety considerations and codes.
It is
turning radius for equipment entering/exiting the
recommended that VA labs will utilize a 9300 mm
labs. A corridor wider than 1800 mm (6'-0") is
(30'-6") on center lab module depth to sufficiently
likely to become a storage area.
allow for adequate Equivalent Linear Footage
Cost savings proposals must be investigated
(ELF) of bench space per investigator and to
during the process of planning these facilities.
provide a secondary means of egress and
For example, minimizing the number of
equipment space. These module dimensions are
laboratory partitions and barriers improves
strictly guidelines and should be evaluated for
flexibility and saves on cost. If possible, avoid
each project.
locating plumbing in walls that may be moved in
In renovation projects, the 9300 mm (30'-6")
the future. Partitions used within labs to hang
module depth can be maintained by removing
casework may be replaced by free-standing
existing partitions and orienting benchwork
cabinets and shelving. A decision to locate the
parallel to the corridor. These two neighboring
research labs on the upper building levels saves
spaces combine to form the new larger lab.
on ductwork length from fume hoods and makes
the addition of future fume hoods less costly.
Once a module is chosen for a project, it
forms the floor plate for the entire facility. It is
Disabled Persons Access: If a disabled
essential that all labs and support spaces follow
researcher works in a VA laboratory, then all
the established module. A great advantage to
parts of the laboratory and its emergency
implementing the module system is the ability to
equipment must be designed or adapted to meet
convert research space with minimal interruption
the user's needs. (See Guide Plate 4-2.)
to the neighboring areas.
In cases where the research facility is
Modular Design:
separate from the Medical Center, the idea of
future expansion is an important consideration.
In order to achieve flexibility, the design
When possible, anticipate a master plan that
must be planned in terms of a basic planning
reasonably allows for future growth.
concept, "the lab module".
The module
establishes a dimensioned method by which
building systems, partitions, and casework work
Space Relationships:
well together within the new or existing building
(See Section 3, Relationship and
structural framework. Some factors that affect
the establishment of the lab module are:
Generic Layout Diagrams)
⇒ the number of people working in the lab
Ideally, the research facility should be
located near the Veterinary Medical Unit so that
Page 2-2
VA Design Guide -- Research Laboratory