SPI 14
All designs, drawings, specifications, notes, and other work developed in the performance of this
contract shall be and remain the sole property of the Government and may be used on any other
work without additional compensation to the Architect-Engineer. With respect thereto, the
Architect-Engineer agrees not to assert any rights and not to establish any claim under the design
patent or copyright laws. The Architect-Engineer for a period of 3 years after completion of the
project agrees to furnish and provide access to all retained materials on the request of the
Contracting Officer. Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Architect-Engineer shall
have the right to retain copies all such materials beyond such period.
SPI 15
The A/E shall be responsible for all damages to property or injuries to persons that occur as a
result of his fault or negligence.
SPI 16
In conformance with VAAR 870.114, the Architect-Engineer shall not specify or
any asbestos product or equipment or material containing asbestos products under this
contract, unless no suitable substitutes are available. If suitable substances are not available,
specific authority to specify or approval asbestos products and equipment or materials
containing asbestos products must be obtained in writing from the Contracting Officer. The
Architect-Engineer is specifically liable to the VA for any costs resulting from a failure to
strictly comply with this paragraph.