Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery System
I. Level Structure
Graphic elements not defined in the attached Appendicies, shall be placed
on the levels indicated by Part 2 of the Tri-Service AEC CADD Standards
Manual, or the American Institute of Architects' CADD Layering Guidelines".
Architectural level assignments shall conform to the NCS Level Assignment
List as shown in Appendix "B". Civil/Site level assignments shall conform to
the NCS Level Assignment List as shown in Appendix "C". Survey/Mapping
level assignments shall conform to the NCS Level Assignment List as shown
in Appendix "D".
J. Reference File s
Reference files are design files used as overlays to the current design file.
This capability is very powerful because when the reference file is changed,
the system automatically updates all files with that reference file attached
without the need to update each file. Thus, both disk space and human
resources are saved. All reference file attachments should be made without
specifically entering the device and directory. Use logical names if the
reference drawing resides on a different disk or directory.
K. Details
Details are a combination of drawing elements, symbols, and text. The size
of a detail depends on the size of the sheet border and the number of
quadrants marked on the border edges. The ideal size of a section or detail
is such that it is wholly contained in a quadrant or number of quadrants with
no other details encroaching on the quadrants of this detail. Details are
placed in the design file at the same scale as other symbols such as
arrowheads and title blocks. This scale is determined by the final drawing
scale of the detail. Once the detail or section is drawn, it is made into a cell
and stored for later use. The scale of the detail sheet is determined by the
most common scale of the details. Details at other scales are placed at the
active scale of 1 outside the border and are referenced inside the border
utilizing the Intergraph reference file utility. The referenced detail is then
scaled, clipped and moved into position.
NCS CADD Standards Manual
August 1995