Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery System
(2) Removable diskettes: An alternative media may be 3-1/2 inch, 1.44
megabyte high density diskettes. The utility used to create the diskettes shall
be MS-DOS. The external label on the diskette as well as a transmittal sheet
containing the following information and the filenames on each diskette
should accompany the diskettes. Files or sets of files larger than three
diskettes should be transferred via 8mm cartridge tape.
(a) The type format (DOS version).
(b) An indicator signifying whether COPY, BACKUP, or some other
routine was used for preparation.
(c) The diskette sequence number.
(d) A short description of the contents.
B. Format
Only files in standard Intergraph format or ASCII format will be addressed in
this manual. The Intergraph format will encompass drawing files, matrix
menus, cell libraries, Intergraph supported database files, and font libraries.
The ASCII format will encompass user commands, command files, and
documentation files.
(1) Deliverable files: All graphic design files shall be supplied in the latest
version of Intergraph Corporation, MicroStation native format. The A/E shall
be responsible for ensuring that all files (base files, reference files, cell
libraries) are compatible with the NCS target CADD system, MicroStation
32 (UNIX) or MicroStation PC. Compatible means that data can be
accessed directly by the target system without translation or preprocessing
of data files. Before a design file is delivered from either UNIX workstation,
or the PC, certain procedures should be performed.
(a) Remove all extraneous graphics outside the border area, and set
the active parameters to a standard setting or those in the seed file; then a
"FILE DESIGN" should be done.
(b) Make sure all reference files are attached without device or
directory specifications.
(c) Compress and reduce all design files using the appropriate
Intergraph utilities.
NCS CADD Standards Manual
August 1995