Department of Veterans Affairs
National Cemetery System
V. Basic Graphic Standards.
The presentation of a graphics file is a significant by-product of a CADD
project. Equally important is the ability to reproduce this output as changes
occur to the data. Thus, it is necessary to document every detail that is
required to produce the final output.
The following graphic standards are considered generic and common to all
users. Discipline specific standards are addressed in the attached
Appendicies and in the appropriate functional sections in Part 2 of the Tri-
Service AEC CADD Standards Manual. Elements not covered in these
sections shall be constructed in accordance with accepted graphic
standards such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
A. Design File
The NCS requires that all new project design development be created with
vector graphics and in a 3-dimensional data format.
Each design (graphic) file should contain only one drawing. Unless noted
otherwise, all final drawings will be plotted to an E-size drawing, 30 inches
(841mm) vertical by 42 inches (1189mm) horizontal, as measured between
the cut lines. Drawings should be created full size (i.e. real world units) and
then scaled at plot time. If more than one drawing scale exists on a sheet
(details, elevations, etc.), the most commonly used scale should be used as
the primary scale and all other details should be drawn at actual size and
then scaled to fit on the sheet.
B. Directory and Design Filenames
Path and directory naming conventions shall be as follows:
\cemetery name
\project number
\filename.file extension
The slash shall either be a forward slash or a backward slash depending on
the workstation operating system.
NCS CADD Standards Manual
August 1995