Department Of Veterans Affairs
VA Space Planning Criteria (Chapter 102)
Washington, D.C. 20402
December 2006
4. How many Negative Pressure Isolation Patient Rooms for the Coronary Intensive
Care Nursing Unit are authorized? (Misc)
5. How many Positive Pressure Isolation Patient Rooms for the General Intensive Care
Nursing Unit are authorized? (Misc)
6. How many Positive Pressure Isolation Patient Rooms for the Medical Intensive Care
Nursing Unit are authorized? (Misc)
7. How many Positive Pressure Isolation Patient Rooms for the Surgical Intensive Care
Nursing Unit are authorized? (Misc)
8. How many Positive Pressure Isolation Patient Rooms for the Coronary Intensive
Care Nursing Unit are authorized? (Misc)
9. How many FTE positions for whom office space is not provided are authorized?
The minimum number of patient beds, of all types, to generate one Intensive Care Nursing
Unit is eight. The maximum number of allowable patient beds per Unit is twelve.
A. Patient Care Unit: Reception Areas
1. Waiting / Lounge (WFR01) .................................................... 200 NSF (18.6 NSM)
Minimum NSF. Provide one per each Intensive Care Nursing Unit type. Provide an
additional 55 NSF per each increment of four patient beds projected for the Intensive
Care Nursing Unit type greater than eight beds. Maximum 255 NSF.
This area serves relatives waiting for scheduled visits with patients. Visits are
normally of limited duration, with the total number of visitors closely controlled in
respect to the condition of all patients in the unit. Therefore, a waiting area with toilet
facilities that open onto the corridor will be required and should be outside, but in
closed proximity to the unit.
2. Toilet, Public (TLTU1) .............................................................. 50 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Provide one for male and one for female for each Intensive Care Nursing Unit type.
3. Consultation Room (OFDC2)................................................. 120 NSF (4.7 NSM)
Provide one for each Intensive Care Nursing Unit type.
This room provides privacy for bearer relatives or for counseling relatives as to the
prognosis of the patient.
B. Patient Care Unit: Patient Areas
1. Patient Room, Intensive Care (BRIC1) ............................... 230 NSF ( 21.4 NSM)
Provide one per patient bed projected for each Intensive Care Nursing Unit type.
2. Patient Room, Intensive Care Isolation,
Negative Pressure (BRII1) ................................................... 230 NSF (21.4 NSM)
Provide one per Negative Pressure Intensive Care Isolation Patient Room
authorized for each Intensive Care Nursing Unit type.
Intensive Care Nursing Units (Chapter 102): Page 102-5 of 13