Law Enforcement
(1) Legally and technically correct procedures must be established for handling the occurrences
of crimes in violation of Federal and state laws on VA field facility grounds.
(2) The VA Regional Counsel or designated local VA attorney is the primary legal advisor to
the Director. Advice will be sought from Regional Counsel whenever Federal, state, or local law
enforcement agencies, district attorneys, or court officials are involved in local policy matters
related to law enforcement.
authorizes VA police officers to enforce Federal laws and the
(3) Title 38 U.S.C.
rules prescribed by the Secretary in Title 38 CFR 1.218(a) and (b). The exercise of all enforcement
actions and uses of arrest authority shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures
contained in this directive and VA Handbook 0730.
(4) The delegation of VA police officer law enforcement, investigative, and arrest authority is
found in Title 38 CFR 2.6(a)(8).
(5) Directors of Veterans Health Administration (VHA) facilities are responsible for ensuring
that VA police officers are fully qualified under the appropriate Office of Personnel Management
VA Qualification Standard (GS-083 Police Officer Series and the GS-080 Security Officer Series)
prior to vesting law enforcement and arrest authority.
(6) The vesting of this authority requires the VA field facility director to issue VA Form 1479,
Police Officer Appointment Card, to each appointee.
(a) Upon the transfer, resignation, or retirement of a VA police officer, the Police Officer
Appointment Card will be withdrawn by the facility director from the employee and destroyed.
(b) When the suspension of the law enforcement and arrest authority of an officer is required,
the Police Officer Appointment Card will be withdrawn by the facility director.
(7) Directors of all VA field facilities will request the VA Regional Counsel to ensure that a
Rule of Court exists with the respective U.S. District Courts. This will enable the issuance of VA
Form 9019, U.S. District Court Violation Notice, in the enforcement of the petty offenses
enumerated in Title 38 CFR 1.2 18(b).
(8) Timely investigations of reported crimes and acts of misconduct will be performed by VA
police officers.
h. Safeguarding Evidence and Property in the Custody of Police. A record and chain of
custody must be established for Government and personal property, contraband, or evidence.
Evidence and property will be handled and secured and the chain of custody maintained in