Pre-Employment Screening Process. Pre-employment screening procedures for police
officer applicants under final consideration for selection will be accomplished as outlined in VA
Handbook 0730. Applicants will not be appointed prior to the completion of the full
employment screening process.
(4) Sensitivity Level Designation. All police officer positions will be designated as
Noncritical-Sensitive. The Human Resources Management Service will initiate post-appointment
minimum background investigations on all police hired.
(5) Medical Standards. All police officer applicants and those currently employed must be
capable of performing the designated physical and mental functional requirements essential to the
duties of the police officer position. These requirements are contained in VA Handbook 0730.
(6) Notification of Weapon Policy and Arrest Reporting. A VA Form 9044, Weapon Policy,
Law Enforcement Jurisdiction, and Arrest Reporting, will be provided to each newly employed VA
police officer for reading of part I, the notification, and signing of part II, the acknowledgment of
notification. The responsibility for this function will be determined at the local level.
(a) Unless otherwise authorized by VA policy, a VA police officer will not possess or introduce
a firearm on VA property while scheduled for VA duty even though the officer may be authorized
or required to possess that firearm by virtue of non-VA employment or any other reason. For more
detailed information on firearms and VA police, see VA Directive 0720, Program to Arm
Department of Veterans Affairs Police and VA Handbook 0720, Procedures to Arm Department of
Veterans Affairs Police.
(b) VA police officers will promptly inform the supervisor if arrested for any criminal offense
except for traffic and parking citations that do not result in criminal charges.
A VA police officer who is arrested is required to inform the appropriate supervisor on the
first working day that the officer reports to work after the incident.
This report will include the alleged offense(s), to include whether a felony or misdemeanor,
date of alleged offense(s), and the name of the arresting jurisdiction.
d. Basic and Specialized Training
(1) The VA basic training and orientation course is designed to fulfill the guidelines and
standards of the Attorney General for preventing the unauthorized use of Federal law enforcement
power. With emphasis on specialized aspects of security and law enforcement in the health care
environment, it also provides VA police officers with the knowledge and skills to successfully
manage situations involving patients. All VA police officers are required to attend and successfully
complete the prescribed course during the first 90 days of employment. This includes full-time,
intermittent, and part-time employees. Training is conducted by VA instructors at the VA Law
Enforcement Training Center, VA Medical Center, North Little Rock, Arkansas.