As specified in Title 38 CFR
a police officer's failure to successfully complete
the prescribed training course requires that the employing VA field facility withdraw statutory law
enforcement and arrest authority vested in that police officer.
(3) VA police officers who have left the Police and Security unit employment and return after 3
years of separation will be required to attend and successfully complete the basic police officer
training course. Any exceptions to this must be approved by the Director, Police and Security
(4) All VA police officers will be trained in the use of the designated and approved VA
weapon(s). Recertification in the use of the baton will be made on an annual basis. Initial training
and recertification are accomplished at the local level by qualified VA staff. Training and
recertification in the use of firearms will be in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined
in VA Directive and VA Handbook 0720, Program to Arm Department of Veterans Affairs Police.
(5) All VA police officers will undergo initial entry and continuing in-service training.
(6) VA police officers may be required to periodically attend refresher training courses at the
VA Law Enforcement Training Center. Failure to attend such courses when scheduled may result
in the withdrawal of an officer's law enforcement and arrest authority.
e. Police and Security Unit Operations. Police and Security unit operations are based on the
physical security and law enforcement functions necessary to carry out the program's mission.
(1) Standard Operating Procedure. Each VA field facility will establish a Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) that provides general and specific methods and guidance to VA police officers to
ensure the efficient and effective operation of the Police and Security unit.
(2) Police Operations Room. Each VA field facility will establish an Operations Room from
which police operations can be most effectively controlled. H-08-9, Chapter 279, Planning Criteria
for VA Facilities, Police and Security Service, will be used as minimum standards for space
f. Physical Security
(1) The minimum requirements for physical security at a VA field facility are outlined in
appendix B of VA Handbook 0730. These include specifications for physical barrier security, lock
set hardware, alarms, and storage containers for high value items and dangerous drugs.
(2) Other mandatory physical security aspects and techniques are contained in paragraph 6,
Physical Security, of VA Handbook 0730.