recycled was 2,817,482 in VISN 17.
required to indicate proceeds (+) or costs (-) and
lowest number of pounds per VISN of
pounds of recycled materials for a variety of items,
which historically have been major components of a
materials recycled was 156,792.
recycling program. These included, but were not
limited to wood, paper, glass, metal, plastics, rubber,
batteries, silver, fluorescent lamps, etc. It is important
resulted in total cost avoidance of
,158,232. The
to note that facilities may have difficulty in collecting
greatest cost avoidance was 7,495 in VISN 12.
accurate proceeds/cost and pounds of recycled
The lowest cost per VISN avoidance was
materials. This information is often kept by a number
of services and individuals and is not often
will be made available separately.
Waste Management Policy is currently
defined in M-1, Part 7, Chapter 14, and further
information is available in VHA Program
Guide 1850.1, Recycling Program.
recycling coordinator can help to monitor the
recycling programs and nominate the facility
for a number of environmental award
programs. Effective recycling programs may
Procurement of Recycled Materials
not always generate proceeds (+) but may
realize direct dividends in cost avoidance.
The procurement of recycled items is normally
addressed separately in the RCRA 6002 Report. This
Proceeds from the recycling program may be retained
report is forwarded annually to the Federal
and utilized locally to promote environmental
Environmental Executive (FEE) at OFEE.
programs at the discretion of the VHA health care
facility Director.
The data requested includes the dollar
amount spent in each Federal agency in
procuring recycled, re-refined and reusable
successful new initiatives in recycling in VHA
items for a variety of specified categories.
for the FY `99 reporting period that resulted in
increased proceeds or cost avoidance in
The FY `99 total dollar amount of recycled, re-refined
other areas. However, the most frequently
and reusable materials was ,934,202.
identified problem in local recycling programs
was the lack of a local market for recycled
The highest total dollar amount of these materials
purchased was
,311,813 in VISN 7. The lowest
The FY `99 total proceeds (+) were
total dollar amount per VISN of these materials
Compared to FY `96, this represents an increase of
purchased was 7,063.
393%. The greatest total proceeds (+) of recycled
materials were 0,175 in VISN 1. The greatest cost
(-) per VISN of recycled materials was ,279.
The FY `99 total pounds of materials recycled
were 27,193,431 lbs. Compared to FY `96,
this represents a decrease of 10.6%. The
greatest total number of pounds of materials