FY `99 costs for all waste categories surveyed.
All 22 VISNs provide complete submissions.
FY `99 pounds or Cu. Ft. generated in each category.
Cost of waste disposal decreased 20% since FY `96.
FY `99 recycling data and VHA's Environmental Goals.
Recycling efforts generate
,522,693 in revenue.
The Office of
FY `99 Waste Minimization & Compliance Report
Management (18)
December 2000
Environmental Programs Service (181C)
FY `99 Waste Minimization Survey on Waste Minimization
and Recycling Activities within Veterans Health Administration
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Directive 99-
The FY `99 total cost for all waste disposal was
037 provides the format for reporting data on waste
,555,429. Compared to FY `96, this represents a
categories, volume, environmental compliance, and
decrease of 20%. The FY `99 total pounds of waste
recycling activities to the Environmental Protection
generated were 264,709,429 lbs. Compared to FY
Agency (EPA), the Office of the Federal
`96, this represents an increase of 6.96%.
Environmental Executive (OFEE), the Agency
The FY `99 highest total cost per VISN of
Environmental Executive (AEE), as well as other
waste generated was
,866,443. The lowest
administrations within the Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA).
total cost of waste generated was 2,791
in VISN 14. The highest total pounds per
VISN of waste generated were 49,425,676
Compliance Report represents the sixth in a
The lowest total pounds of waste
series of annual efforts by VHA to accurately
generated were 2,803,047 lbs in VISN 21.
track waste minimization and recycling
programs within VHA health care facilities.
The FY `99 average cost of waste disposal excluding
Completed questionnaires were forwarded to
radioactive waste was 9.5 cents per pound.
the Environmental Programs Service for
Compared to FY `96, this represents an increase of
review and tabulation. This report includes
9.9%. The highest average cost per VISN was 53
the total cost, total pounds (except for
cents per pound. The lowest average cost was 2.2
Radioactive Waste), highest and lowest cost
cents per pound in VISN 16.
and highest and lowest amount generated for
the Veterans Integrated Service Networks
(VISNs) in the following reporting areas: Solid
Waste, Regulated Medical Waste, Hazardous
Programs and Procurement of Recycled