Solid Waste
may include cultures and stocks, pathological wastes,
human and blood products, used sharps, animal
wastes and isolation wastes.
The term "solid waste" refers to any garbage, refuse,
or sludge and other discarded materials including
Due to the increasing regulations in air
solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material.
quality, many VHA health care facilities do
Although these wastes are not normally designated as
not treat their RMW but contract directly for
hazardous, they must still be managed to prevent
transportation and disposal. Where treated
on site, treatment methods identified in the
Many of the key components of the typical
Waste Minimization Survey included steam
health care facility solid waste stream
include packing, waste from central supply
alternative methods of treatment.
The total cost for disposal of RMW included
treatment costs (where utilized) plus contract disposal
combustible and non-combustible wastes.
costs. This was because where RMW was treated
onsite, the residue, ash or unrecognizable materials
renovation and demolition activities are also
were disposed of off site by contract.
The FY `99 total cost of RMW disposal was
The FY `99 total cost of solid waste disposal was
Compared to FY `96, this
,433,396. Compared to FY `96, this represents a
represents a decrease of 23%. However, the
decrease of 26%. The highest total cost per VISN of
cost per pound for disposal increased 21%.
solid waste disposal was
,166,269. The lowest total
The highest cost per VISN for RMW disposal
cost of solid waste disposal was 5,107 in VISN 14.
,437,569. The lowest cost for RMW
The FY `99 total pounds of solid waste
disposal was ,469 in VISN 10.
generated were 240,543,743 lbs. Compared
to FY `96, this represents an increase of
The FY `99 total pounds of RMW generated were
24,271,424 lbs. Compared to FY `96, this represents a
15.7%. The highest total pounds per VISN of
decrease of 36.2%. The highest total pounds per
solid waste generated were 48,319,120 lbs.
VISN of RMW generated were 3,494,383 lbs. The
The lowest total pounds of solid waste
lowest total pounds of RMW generated were 93,155
generated were 2,390,351 lbs in VISN 21.
pounds in VISN 10.
The FY `99 total pounds of RMW treated on
site were 14,076,819 lbs. The highest total
number of pounds per VISN of RMW treated
on site was 3,130,964 lbs. The lowest total
number of pounds of RMW treated on site was
Regulated Medical Waste
21,779 lbs in VISN 18.
Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) is also referred to as
Infectious Waste, Potentially Infectious Medical
Waste (PIMW), etc., and includes any waste material
or article that harbors, or may be reasonably expected
to harbor pathogens that might be expected to
produce disease in healthy individuals. This category