September 30, 1994
Satellite Outpatient Clinic (SOPC)
(25 NSF). This area is to be used by
Recommended Space Criteria
personnel assigned to the Soiled Receiving
and Decontamination Area.
for SPD
Supply, Processing, and Distribution (SPD)
Clean Areas
is responsible for the processing and issuing of
medical and surgical supplies and equipment
Preparation Area: Minimum 18.6 NSM (200
used in the delivery of patient care. An SPD
NSF), Add 12.3 NSM (132 NSF) for each
section may be required for a stand-alone SOPC
additional sterilizer, Maximum 46.5 NSM
that operates as an off-site satellite facility that is
(500 NSF) As in the decontamination area,
administratively attached to a VAMC. In some
space is based on the number of sterilizers
cases, depending on the distance and frequency
needed to process reusable supplies and
of supply deliveries, the VAMC may consider it
equipment. The minimum of 18.6 NSM (200
economically sound to use the parent facility's
NSF), will provide space for loading
SPD rather than duplicating the function at the
zone/access to 3 pass-through sterilizers (1
washer/ sterilizer/ sanitizer, 1 steam, and
one EtO gas sterilizer) and an ultrasonic
washer and sink.
Soiled Receiving
Ethylene Oxide Gas Cylinder Storage: 2.8
Decontamination Area: Minimum 18.6 NSM
NSM (30 NSF) If all 100% EtO sterilizers
(200 NSF), 12.3 NSM (132 NSF) each
(which use a cartridge), are to be used,
additional sterilizers; Max. 46.5 NSM (500
space for cylinder storage is unnecessary.
NSF) Space in this area is based on the
number of sterilizers required to process
Sterile/Clean Storage Area: Minimum 22.3
reusable supplies and equipment.
NSM (240 NSF) Maximum 46.5 NSM (500
minimum of 18.6 NSM (200 NSF) provides
Total annual SOPC visits (not
space for loading zone/access to 3 pass-
including psychiatric visits) x .0035 + 200
through sterilizers (1 washer/ sterilizer/
Clean Receiving and Bulk Storage Area: 7.4
sanitizer, 1 steam, and 1 ethylene oxide
NSM (80 NSF) This space is provided for
[EtO] sterilizer) and 1 ultrasonic washer and
receipt, breakdown, and temporary holding
of bulk sterile/clean supplies.
Manual Equipment Wash: 7.4 NSM (80
Dispatch Area: The issuing and control of
NSF) This room is used to decontaminate
medical-surgical supplies and equipment is
carts and equipment used in delivery of
accomplished in this area. A visual register
patient care.
(quantity and location) of issued supplies
Housekeeping Aids Closet: 3.7 NSM (40
and equipment is maintained in the
NSF) For safety reasons this HAC will be
Dispatcher's Control Station/Office. Space
used only for the decontamination area.
for this area should be computed as follows:
Locker, Toilet, Shower: 7.4 NSM (80 NSF).
A) Sterile/Clean Area x 0.1
Space provided will accommodate two
lockers and a bench (2.3 NSM, 25 NSF),
B) Dispatcher's
Control Station/Office: 6.5
toilet with lavatory and water closet (2.8
NSM (70 NSF)
NSM, 30 NSF), and a shower at 2.3 NSM
VA Design Guide -- Supply, Processing, & Distribution
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