July 2006
5.1 New and Existing Facilities
In areas of Moderate High, High, and Very High Seismicity, geologic hazards and
site-specific ground-response reports shall be required for all proposed
construction of new Critical and Essential Facilities and for all proposed seismic
rehabilitation of existing Critical and Essential Facilities.
Unless Tables 1615.1.2(1) and 1615.1.2(2) of IBC require a site-specific ground-
response report, the requirement for this report may be waived. The maximum
considered earthquake spectral response accelerations shall be determined from
the latest national earthquake hazard maps in ASCE 7 or FEMA 356, as
5.2 Geologic Hazards Report
The purpose of the geologic hazards report shall be to identify potential geologic
and seismic conditions that require detailed evaluation, and may require mitigation
by the project. The report shall contain data that provide an assessment of the
nature of the site and potential for earthquake damage based on preliminary
investigations of the regional and site geology, subsurface conditions and the
potential seismic shaking. The engineering geologic report shall not contain design
criteria, but shall contain basic data to be used for a preliminary earthquake
engineering evaluation of the project. The basis for seismic assessment in
geologic hazards reports must be stated clearly.
The report shall include, but shall not be limited to the following:
a. Geologic investigation;
b. Identification of any known active and potentially active faults, both regional
and local, including estimates of the peak ground accelerations that could
occur at the site; and
c. Evaluation of any slope stability problems at or near the site, liquefaction
potential and settlement potential of the building site.
VA shall approve the engineering geologic hazard report prior to the preparation of
the geotechnical report.