Nursing Home Design Guide
remaining pumps should be sized for
2.4.2 Plumbing
two-thirds of the total demand. Provide
alternating control for the pumps as well
1. General
as a pressurized storage tank.
The plumbing and medical gas systems
Emergency power should be provided
should comply with the current version
for the domestic booster system.
of Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Plumbing Design Manuals, VA Design
Provide duplex shell and steam coil
and Construction Procedures, VA
central water heaters with the capacity
Master Construction Specifications and
of generating the flow demand at 140
VA Standard Details, where applicable.
degrees F (60 degrees C) with each
Deviations from the VA guidelines may
heater sized to supply 75% of the
be made provided approval is obtained
demand. The heater discharge
from the VA. In addition, the design
temperature, however, should be set for
should meet the requirements of the
130 degrees F (54 degrees C). A hot
current version of the National Standard
water re-circulating system should be
Plumbing Code (NSPC) and the
provided. The domestic heating water
National Fire Protection Association
system also should be in accordance
(NFPA). Where state or local codes are
with the requirements of the most
more stringent than the above
current version of ASHRAE Standard
requirements, submit criteria to the VA
for review and approval.
3. Plumbing Fixtures
2. Domestic Water Systems
Plumbing fixture types and flow
Water service should be extended to the
building to serve the domestic and fire
the current version of the National
protection systems. Domestic water
Standard Plumbing Code. In addition,
should be distributed to the plumbing
plumbing fixtures, where required,
fixtures and equipment. The system
should comply with the current version
should maintain a maximum velocity
of the American with Disabilities Act
and pressure in accordance with the
(ADA) and as per state and Federal
National Standard Plumbing Code and
provide water hammer arrestors in
accordance with ASSE 1010 for sealed
wall installations without access panels.
Size and locate arrestors per the
Provide an adequate number of sanitary
Plumbing Drainage Institute (PDI).
Provide wall hydrants on each exterior
the building. Provide a minimum of two
wall, not to exceed 200 feet (60 m)
connections from each building with a
maximum sanitary sewer size of 12-inch
(300 mm). One sanitary connection
A domestic booster pump system
may be provided if the connection size
should be provided where street
is six-inch (150 mm) or less. Maximum
pressure is inadequate. Domestic
allowable storm drain size is 15-inch
booster system should include three
(375 mm). Sizing should be based on
pumps. One pump should be sized for
one-third the total demand and the two
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Office of Facilities Management