Nursing Home Design Guide
temperature is 9 degrees F (-12 degrees
on the most current version of ASHRAE
Standard 52.
C) or lower than interior temperature.
Emergency Power: Emergency power
should be provided for, but not limited
7. Outdoor Air Requirements
to, the following equipment/systems:
The HVAC design should provide each
space with not less than the minimum
recommended quantity of ventilation air
as indicated in the most current version
components (pumps, condensate
of ASHRAE Standard 62. In addition to
the ASHRAE Standard 62 requirements,
outdoor design conditions are below
the minimum air changes of outside air
20 degrees F (-6 degrees C)
shown in Table 2.6 should be required.
Automatic temperature control
system and components
Exhaust system serving the isolation
8. Exhaust Air Requirements
The HVAC design should provide
exhaust air to spaces to control the
transfer of odors and provide proper
12. Temperature Control Criteria
General: The automatic temperature
controls should be direct digital control
provided as shown in Table 2.7
(DDC) with electric or pneumatic
actuation of valves, dampers, terminal
units, etc. A dedicated standalone
9. Noise Criteria
The HVAC design should provide
building management system (BMS) or
engineering control center (ECC) should
resulting sound levels in occupied
spaces not to exceed the levels shown
be provided. The ECC should be
on Table 2.8 in all octave bands.
capable of being connected to an
existing or future ECC at the medical
center, if applicable. Final selection of
10. Seismic Requirements
the control system options (pneumatic
Where applicable, earthquake resistive
vs. electric, standalone or tied into
design should comply with the most
existing ECC, etc.) should be reviewed
current version of VA Handbook H-18-8,
Seismic Design Requirements and the
and approved by the VA prior to
proceeding with the design of the
Uniform Building Code. Seismic design
temperature control system.
also should conform to the most current
Room Temperature Control: Individual
versions of SMACNA and NUSIG
room controls should be provided for,
but not limited to, the following spaces:
one / two bedrooms, anterooms,
11. Design Features
conference rooms, director's office and
Economizer: Air conditioning systems
corridors. In addition, not more than
should be designed to operate below 48
four interior rooms of similar function
degrees F (9 degrees C) outdoor air
should be grouped to one control zone,
temperature without refrigeration.
nor should interior and exterior spaces
Perimeter heat: Provide perimeter heat
be grouped on a common zone.
for bedrooms and other perimeter
spaces when the outdoor winter design
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Office of Facilities Management